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Continuing Education Program

Continuing Education Class Survey

NHI Continuing Education Classes

Share your feedback regarding your continuing education class experience at National Holistic Institute!

As a massage therapist, you know the importance of feedback. We invite you to share you experience by completing the form below!

  • Please select the choice that best matches your response to the following statements

  • Please provide your response to the following items

  • Tell us about your practice

  • If we use your responses for for a blog or social media post, we'll link to your website and/or tag you on social!
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, Max. file size: 20 MB.
      Please avoid using filters or cropping the photo(s) too close. If possible, name the photo(s) with the caption that describes the photo(s). If you have a logo, please include that as well. Maximum File Size | 20MB