Eligibility for Financial Aid
Most NHI students use federal aid to finance their education. In order to be eligible for the Federal Programs at National Holistic Institute you will need to consider the following:
1. Are you a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen?
2. You should be eligible for aid as both a full-time or part-time student.
3. You will need to submit to the government a form (FAFSA) in order to demonstrate financial need.
4. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress
5. If married, you will need to use your household income as part of your income reporting.
Definition of Financial Need
Financial need is the difference between a student’s (spouse if applicable) resources and allowable college expenses (student budget). An established needs analysis formula (FAFSA) is used to determine your financial need. This formula is based on tax year data and has budget restrictions. The federal student loan programs are considered non-need based federal aid and therefore do not have income/asset restrictions. The federal work-study program is a need-based aid program and eligibility is based on your FAFSA form.
The financial aid office has some discretion in these areas. For example, after careful consideration, a decision could be made that expected year earnings (earnings made during the school year) more accurately reflects a student’s contribution potential (rather than tax year).
In addition, there are provisions along with the budget restrictions to assist students who are married with dependents and have low incomes.