Trigger Point Therapy
Your patients/clients can get better, even after years of suffering from chronic pain. Trigger Point Therapy is one very useful part of neuromuscular therapy. The techniques used help clients recover from pain associated with various injuries and illnesses. We will discuss different types of trigger points and look at what are called referral patterns. Many muscles can send pain to areas of the body that seem unrelated. In addition to pain, we discuss other symptoms, which the patient/client might be experiencing due to trigger points, such as watering eyes, runny nose, heartburn, or digestive issues. Dysfunctional muscles can also mimic other health conditions of the body. We discuss what “activates” or creates trigger points in muscles throughout the body. This knowledge is incredibly useful in educating the client regarding activities they can do or avoid to become a partner in the healing process. One of the main goals of trigger point work is to alleviate pain and the associated difficulties with movement and posture.
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